Sunday, July 12, 2009

中学数理教学语文 – 国语Vs英语





我们无力扭转马来语作为国语和官方中学教育主导语言的事实,但是我们可以在这个事实上尝试走出另外一条康庄大道,也就是三语并重,在不牺牲马来语教学之下,让英语、华语(母语)和马来语在中学并驾齐驱。在这个全球化的时代,能掌握多一种语言,就等于掌握胜利的先机。在未来华团和华基政党与其争取数理以英文教学,不如尝试从这个角度切入,并要求政府在中小学教育中更公平对待各源流学校 不对其他语言教育带有色眼镜加以排斥、公平拨款于各源流学、依照社区要求公平增建各源流学校。




Anonymous said...

Mr Ooi,

I agree with you in most of the things / issues you mentioned in the two articles here avout the teaching of Mathematics and Sciences in English. I strongly believe that you were fropm a conforming school in Penang? SMJK Chung Lin or?

Singapore is different from Malaysia as Mr Lee Kwang Yew ruled the country with iron hands. He didn't want to let any of the vernacular school to outshine the English schools which he used as the basis of nationality unity. Do you know that he closed down Nanyang University?

I agree with what you said here about the issue of teaching using English. I had given my comments in: . If you have time, just link to it and let me know your response.
Thank you.
In Dhamma

Tze Howe, 9W2THO said...

Yup i know, one of the excuses he used is communist already conquer Nanyang University ...




Anonymous said...

Yes, you had your opinion, the use of an excuse (but was it true excuse?) of the great influence of communism in the late 60s and early 70s. For that matter, we try to put ourselves in the shoes of Mr lee, maybe more drastic actions might have been taken as during that time, Singapore had just declared independence to form a small city country WITHOUT any resources. How to build up a nation starting from almost zero? please tell me what would you do if you were to be in Mr Lee's position?

How to unite a nation? But as time pass by, things have changed. Don't you feel surprised that Singapore Government allows 2 casinos to be built in the country? Is the government not scared that people would against it? There will be endless problems faced by the families and peopel of Singapore? I am sure you are aware that new rules had been passed in the Singapore Cabinet to restrict and protect their citizens before the casinos are completed?

Tze Howe, 9W2THO said...

yup ... need agreeement of the family, letter ...something like that

Anonymous said...

Sorry not exactly, but singaporeans will be taxed in advance before they enter the casinos in future. Furhtermore, nuclear family members (spouse or children) or parents can file a case against a person indulged in gambling but fail to give the family sufficient monetary support.