其次,这个政策难道真的可以有效解决奖学金的纠纷吗?很明显的这个是治标不治本。奖学金分配不公起源于两个原因 – 官僚化和拿破仑式的作风剥夺优秀生的机会,以及从根本上SPM制造了太多的“优秀生”,那已经到了泛滥的地步了。如果我们仔细想想,问题可能没有解决,反而更复杂了。以后SPM最顶级的考生就成绩只会有10A+,那么又要在这一群学生当中决定孰优孰劣呢?以前还可以看看是否当中有超水准的,现在只怕 “老鼠”、“老虎”,傻傻分不清楚!
更严重的是,这个就成为了公共服务局官僚的借口,以现有的奖学金数目不能满足所有10A+优秀生而连上诉的门槛都关掉(不好意思,马华您将少了其中一个最大的功能)。试想想当公共服务局告诉您因为考10A+而不能拿到,因为其他人也一样拿到10A+,你能这么说?你能好像现在这样,说 “我比他多哦”,当中华裔必须更警惕,因为这个等于变相让某些小拿破仑、种族主义的官员有更堂皇的凭借来把华裔优秀生踢出局!
now i holiday ma ..... hahahaha
i agree with u, the education department should not limit the subjects taken. The important thing is to upgrade the standard.
HaHaHa... I cannot read le, so ask pauloke read for me. He doing LI here too ma. I agree with wat you said. The standard has dropped compared to 10 years ago, its so rare to find a straight 9A1 student that time. Now, throw one stone in a school assembly also can easily fall on the head of a straight A student.
My opinion on this too is like yours, increase the standard and be stricter. Number of subjects should not be a limit, but the compulsory 10 subjects should be given emphasis first, the extra subjects as a tie-breaker while applying for scholarships.
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