Tuesday, November 25, 2008


转载:雪政府破天荒拨款11所淡小教育局电话阻扰校长齐缺席 http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/93699



“如果中央政府维持现状,将会被代替”, 这句话,绝对值得执政党去深思一番。308大选过后,中央政府(巫统)一系列的举动并没有让人民对他们恢复信心。相反的,各种事件如寄居论、内安法令扣留时间到最近的多语路牌,中央政府并没有呈现出应有的执政态度 - 客观、开放、高度透明化。如果华基政党如马华委任一个专业公司来进行一个专业普查,来看看华人现在投票的取向,相信结果会让现任马华的领导层大掉冷汗。


308 大选 - “只要我看到是秤的标志,我就在另外一个政党下打一个叉”


Monday, November 24, 2008

政党职位 = 大选胜选几率?






I just come back to KL from my hometown Penang. Frankly, it is a fantastic island to stay with. It has no highway toll in the island, although a bit traffice jam all the while, but we can consider it as short distance travelling from one destination to another. There is good and cheap food all around the island.

Recently this island has become the attention of polician in Malaysia, where the issue of road signage has become so hot within the country. Penang become the first state to announce the setting up of multilanguage road signage.
(**to be informed that Penang is not the 1st states setting up bilingua road signage as others states such as Kedah, Johor have Bahasa Malaysia + Bahasa Jawi road signage and Sarawak typically Kuching have Bahasa Malaysia + Chinese Language in their road signage)
From the press and online media, we can actually found that a lot of racist political activist is striking Penang government by using a few of the following reasons:
  1. The bi-language road signage does not pay respect to the national language - Bahasa Malaysia.

  2. The appearance of other language on road signage is a thread to Bahasa Malaysia as it might one day replaced by other language

  3. The setting up of road signage is a waste of time, this shows that Pakatan Rakyat government is actually wasting the salary given to them by tax payer, and thats a agenda to makes the chinese community feel happy (mean racist)

But the truth is always hide beneath the surface, it is deep in the mist:

  1. Notice that Bahasa Malaysia has a dominating font size compare to other language in the road signage, we can only conclude that this is the best way of comparison and show a good respect to national language

  2. There will be no thread as we see the fact that Bahasa Malaysia is used widely in all government/public service affairs, schools education, and also one of the main communication language in our country. Can anyone shows the fact that by the setting up of bi-lingua road signage, the usage of Bahasa Malaysia will be reduced, unpopular, and hence become a THREAD ?

  3. A waste of time? haha, thats funny. Gerakan claims that it is their idea to set up the road signage when they are still the major component party in Penang state government, and sorry to say that their milage is claims by others now. So what to blame ? are you going to blame a party that hold the throne of command in Penang for 38 years and only be able to come out the bi-lingua project in the last moment? or a government that setup the bi-lingua signage after 8 months they take over? Please do blame yourself if you have wasted the time, opportunity and trust given by public.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another Action that Disgrace Democracy in this Country

we have seen from the news recently that Rtm2 is pulling back the broadcasting of a social discussion forum... from the news that i have read, i can conclude that the reason of stopping the broadcast is as follow:

From the voice of government
  1. the show is not very popular as it has a rating of 397 out of 400+ television show up in RTM2
  2. The show is not banned, it is just undergone a rebranding process so that it can gain more attraction from the public.
  3. There are not any political issue in stopping the broadcast of the show to the citizen
From the voice of NGO and perhaps most of the citizen who watch this show
  1. This show have revealed the dark secret of the government, which government never intend to reveal it to the citizen.
  2. This show invite Opposition MP (especially Teresa Kok) to join their forum discussion.
  3. The poll done in this show doesn't show a positive results that pleased the government.
  4. This show make government realize that a lot of citizens feel dissappointed with the government, so in order to reduce the further influence, it need to start right here, right now.

Somehow we draw a conclusion from the above points - government are having a really great different perspective in a lot of issue in this country. Here comes the problem - shall government bound or follow the will of their boss ~ citizens of this country...

Further Conclusion

  1. Government is always correct. The citizens will never be correct if they do not follow the game rules set by the government.
  2. Government always apply policy that bring benefits to citizens, therefore banning the broadcasting is to bring benefits to citizens because the broadcasting shows a bad example to citizens
  3. Government never politicalise any issue, because they know nothing about politics, and never know how to be a good stateman rather than politician